28 Feb 2011

life suck? dont blame life, you suck!

salam to all muslim

life has so many colours. sometime they came out as a beautiful pictures while sometime it's like a nightmare. whatever the outlines, how easy or hard your life is,do not afraid, never fear, never surrender.Is this life anyway. if it only comes with a single colour, then we will not call it life. maybe we can call it shit because shit doesn't came out colourful. they only came out as one colour, whether it is black, or yellow, or brown.depend on what we eat.

The most important thing to have in our life is peaceful of your heart, mind and soul.you will find that there is nothing you could not overcome with such quality.to obtain such quality, we need ask the owner of that quality.ask ALLAH for HE is the source for peace.If ALLAH chose us to have peace then we will be succeeding in this world no matter what path that we will go through and also we will be happy to get blessings of heaven hereafter.

"...on the day of wealth and children of men are not useful, except for those who appear before Allah with a clean heart" QS. asy-Syu’ara (26) : 88&89


  1. Aslmualaikum dR

    masalah itu bila dikaji balik sbnrnya adlh tggjwb

    tggjwb yg kita tak selesaikn pd masa, tmpt dan ms yg betul akn jd 'masalah' pd kita dkemudian hari

  2. waalaikumsalam

    aku tak boleh nak menyangkal lansung statement ko tu.memang betul sangat.sebab tu aku rasa dalam dunia ni xde istilah terlambat melainkan bila nyawa dah sampai tenggorokan dan kita belum bertaubat.
