23 Mar 2010

sekarang atau tidak selamanya


yesterday was history, today is reality, tomorrow will only be a fantasy. can u understand?

this is a light entry. i dont want to be so serious about this topic because who knows i might wrong.

yesterday was history, everybody knows about this. we cant go back or change anything that has happened. we can only learn from the past so that mistakes from the past will never be repeated again.

today is reality, this is where and what we are. we are living on this moment. and our actions know will be a determinations of what will happens in the future. so the future lies on our actions today.

tomorrow will only be a fantasy, and it is true. we can have a proper planning but in the end only god will decide what happens next.we might not open our eyes again tomorrow.who knows? only HE knows.our LORD knows.for HE is our creator.

the reason i write this topic is to remind you and me as well to live life at this moment.i'm not saying that we have to forget about the future, or just ignoring them but many of us concern about the future too much that they forget to live at present.thinking about the future and have a good planning is very good but too concerned about the future will make us worry too much.this is not good.what if the result is not as what we expected before? doesn't that will let you down? so my advice is live life at the moment.


  1. planning fOr the future is a must.
    kalau tak, kita cam tak de purpOse Or gOal dalam hidup ni.
    but Of cOurse la kurangkan berangan,
    less talking... walk yOur talk!
    then Our future shOuld be fine.

  2. btol2. tapi yang paling penting adalah action sekarang towards future planning tu.
